Geoexpat ads by employers. hongkong7 likes this. Geoexpat ads by employers

 hongkong7 likes thisGeoexpat ads by employers  Listings of domestic helpers / drivers who are looking for a full time job

My acknowledgement card arrived today to my work address. Advertise . lilbby124 likes this. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Spacious indoor 2 carparks new building. We have additional forums on GeoBaby. Com provides Hong Kong expats with resources, forums and classifieds. Employers please place your ads on. Then lately, he called and asked again whether we can pay EVERYTHING. 1000s of helpers who are not listed in this section browse wanted ads every day. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Advertise . ImmD regulations clearly state that Chinese citizens can't use their card for entering China and will have to use their HRP. Hi, Can you do something about the discriminatory job ads on your site please? If you're unable to review them how about adding a 'report job ad' or similar button? For example I just clicked on ART BRO CREATIVE EDUCATION LIMITED's "Seeking for an experience Music tutor Industry: Arts, Entertainment and Publishing, Teaching & Training. Job by Industry. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. If the tenancy agreement is signed by the employer with the landlord, it is clearly the liability of the employer (not the employee) to pay the rent. More Topics: New/Unread - Last Day - Last 7 Days. Hong Kong. 04-08-2021, 06:01 PM #15I'm 2 months pregnant and will need to hire a helper for when the baby arrives. I want a new job. Tag: employers. Listings of domestic helpers / drivers who are looking for a full time job. GeoExpat hosts Hong Kong's most helpful expat community, busiest classifieds and provides extensive guides and resources for both new and old expats in Hong Kong. Advertise . It's always a goal to get everything done in one visit with immigration but increasingly a difficult task to master. Wardrobe almost new. However, the employers are threatening me in advance that they will cancel my visa and stating that this will get a red mark on my visa status and won't be able to apply or live in Hong Kong again. chuckster007. In the course of his work he travels frequently to APEC countries on business, including [perhaps list the countries]. 6,407. Browse New Ads; Place an Ad;. In all cases, you can still claim the rent paid as a deduction off your income and you can enjoy significant tax savings. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Browse through 10,000 verified domestic helpers profiles and tailor the search to suit your needs. Buy, Sell, Rent. Office Space. 17. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Colleges & Universities · United Kingdom · <25 Employees. GeoExpat. Accounting (Accountant, Financial Controller) (0) Admin & Clerical (Office Clerk, Manager, Bookkeeper) (1) Architecture and Construction (0) Arts, Entertainment. Read this to find out what the consequences are. Menu. GeoExpat hosts Hong Kong's most helpful expat community, busiest classifieds and provides extensive guides and resources for both new and old expats in Hong Kong. Posts. Read More. I am changing employers and new employer applied for my visa transfer recently. We have arrangement with our parent company (HK branch) which pays our monthly salary -. GeoExpat hosts Hong Kong's most helpful expat community, busiest classifieds and provides extensive guides and resources for both new and old expats in Hong Kong. GeoExpat. . I have been working here since 2019. Posts. Talk with as many domestic helpers as you want. 2) We are not an agency. We grab it rather than paying a lot in the Philippines. 12-02-2014, 12:15 PM #7. The first one who responded asked whether we can pay the processing fee and he will only pay the ticket. Domestic Helpers. Latest Classified Ads; Houseboy/Helper/Gardener. Your current employer can't stop you from leaving and joining another company. GeoExpat . Please keep in mind that it is illegal to hire helpers who live out. Helpers: GeoExpat does not charge helpers to place ads or to connect with employers. View Profile. Jordan HK$ 15000. Menu. Cost: HK$ 88 / ad and up (for 30 days). gov. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsYou won't get China on the card even if applying using your UK passport. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. the recent protests and now the coronavirus. Health and Medical. If you want to work for someone else you will need to do change of sponsorship and apply for an employment visa for the other company. Mong74. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsGeoExpat. Ads placed in this section are shared to our 40,000+ "helpers only" group on Facebook. I am currently in Philippines now and very eager to look for a job again in Hongkong with a very kind Employer like my previous Employer when I was in Hongkong. More Topics: New/Unread - Last Day - Last 7 Days. Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Started by baby-ethan, 07-15-2014 10:57 PM. 12,193. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Our text: Mr. Tag: overseas employers. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. hk and provide a soft copy of your IR56G and explain the situation, providing your name, HKID number and your overseas correspondence address. . Please post Help Wanted ads on Geoexpat. Tag: educational employers. Maximum 120 days, you cannot dismiss the helper during paid sick leave and have to pay 4/5 of her salary. Originally Posted by wtbhotia: 3 colleagues applied from our company, 2 got blocked and requested more documents etc etc to prove they need the APEC card WTF!!! and I am one of the blocked ones FFS. Post your jobs. You also have to provide free medical treatment, so I hope you got an insurance for the helper. Your assistance is much. My contract will be finished on August and I'm looking for a new employer,i prefer live -out. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. Could anyone advise which form I would need to transfer my visa and what would I need to take to immigration office please. I love my job, but my husband's isn't even slightly what he was promised and has basically sent him into a really bad depression. Aug 21, 2023. (Ads By Helpers) Dear Employers; Dear Employers. Posts. Car Sales, Domestic Helpers (ads by employers) and Personal/Business Services. 1000s of helpers who are not listed in this section browse wanted ads every day. Buy, Sell, Rent. Employers please place your ads on. - Letter from employer. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. More Topics: New/Unread - Last Day - Last 7 Days. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. Helper wanted ads cost HK$ 88 for a basic listing. com, offering some kind of resume searching service, costs few hundreds US dollars. GeoExpat hosts Hong Kong's most helpful expat community, busiest classifieds and provides extensive guides and resources for both new and old expats in Hong Kong. Classifieds . Attend interviews and accept an offer. Home Decor and Renovations. 85255392194 and 639695795404. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. 00. More Topics: New/Unread - Last Day - Last 7 Days. Join Date Jul 2007 Location TST and Macau Posts 1,465GeoExpat . Respond to interview invitations from employers, accept the offer you like, and contact us for the hiring once you are ready. shri. Read this to find out what the consequences are. What to do with multiple MPFs with different employers? Artificial sweetener free chewing gum; 10 Car pileup…. Moving! Furniture / Appliances for Sale. Latest Classified Ads;Helper Wanted – Ads By Employers Domestic Helpers Listings from employers who wish to hire a domestic helper Employers pay HK$88 for a basic listing and helpers can contact employers directly. 1 Replies. If you're looking for a tutor, take a look at our Tutor Wanted / Available Classifieds - please do not post requests here. Com. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsThis group is for Domestic helpers looking for employment in Hong Kong. Listings of domestic helpers / drivers who are looking for a full time job. GeoExpat hosts Hong Kong's most helpful expat community, busiest classifieds and provides extensive guides and resources for both new and old expats in Hong Kong. Open Casket. wohoo!! list now consists of the following: Hong Kong (China) Australia Korea Hong Kong (China) Chile New Zealand Thailand Brunei Darussalam PNG Peru RussiaWhy employers need resume search services #1 11-02-2011, 10:53 PM dahoucia Just happened to learn from some job searching site such as Monster. Roche Bobois designer sofa. Entertainment and Nightlife. Please keep in mind that it is illegal to hire helpers who live out. Ads placed in this section are shared to our. Home. My job change is also a change of industry (from events to marketing/SEO in my native language), does it make the visa issues more difficult? What happens if the. AsiaXPAT is Hong Kong’s top website for executives, featuring apartments for rent, classifieds, domestic help and more for the Hong Kong expat. Helpers: GeoExpat does not charge helpers to place ads or to connect with employers. on GeoExpat. . Employer Wanted - Ads By Helpers. Domestic Helpers. Ads placed in this section are shared to our 20,000+ "helpers only" group on Facebook. Oct 2006. hullexile. 10 Standard Jobs Package. Advertise . Employers: While the helper available section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific. On renewal of my employment visa, by same employer, you need a supporting letter. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Latest Classified Ads;3,700. So far my application status on the businessmobility website is showing no countries approved (no surprise there I guess!)Hello, are any of you are aware if your company has an advice source that they turn to for advisory services during matters of public concern i. A letter from the company and copy of passport etc. on GeoExpat. Tag: employer coverage. I wonder if the good folk of Geoexpat can help me. 3,700. nhai 2023-06-14 22:29 Age 40-50 years. Hiring a suitable domestic helper for your family is a big decision, so it’s best to plan ahead. on GeoExpat. Helper Wanted - Ads By Employers - Domestic Helpers :: Hong Kong GeoExpatEmployers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. GeoExpat. xxxxx is employed by our wholly-owned subsidiary,xxxxxx, as xxxxxx, based in Hong Kong. Latest Classified Ads;I hope I can find this chance here. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsPost Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsDear Sir/Madam, This letter is to confirm that Mr Pin, a lawyer, works for us, Great Lawyer Firm. Helper Wanted - Ads By Employers. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsThis group is for Domestic helpers looking for employment in Hong Kong. Latest Classified Ads; Part-time Helper Needed For 2. Get Started Post. Don’t worry, our team will walk you through the process. Post Job Ads in 3 Simple Steps: Choose a Jobs Package; Pay using Visa / Mastercard / American Express / PayPal or offline by Bank Transfer; Post your jobsGeoExpat . on GeoExpat. Buy, Sell, Rent. 1000s of helpers who are not listed in this section browse wanted ads every day. Available from. We highly recommend you provide a WhatsApp / SMS. I am wondering, would you be able to share the form of letter used?Glory To Hong Kong Banned on Spotify & Apple. Employers: While this section is free to browse, we highly recommend placing an ad with your specific requirements in our Helper Wanted section. Listings from employers who wish to hire a domestic helper Employers pay HK$88 for a basic listing and helpers can contact employers directly. Latest Classified Ads (Registered Teacher) Professional Cantonese and. Latest Classified Ads.